Monday 27 August 2012

Diesel or Steam?

So as mentioned yesterday, I went to the Plym Valley Railway yesterday to see what is apparently a bit of a celeb in the world of diesel engines - the 50 017 Royal Oak!
To be honest, I'm not really into trains, but I do find the steam ones much prettier than the diesels to look at, and the steam smells so much nicer. My little girl loved the ride though and by Christmas, the railway hope to open all the way to Plym Bridge - effectively doubling the length of the journey - whoop!! On a more disappointing note, I didn't get to have my piece of cake - we ran out of available funds, so as a compromise we went to supermarket and bought a Vienetta instead - YUM!!
Weather in the Southwest is awful today, so spending the bank holiday chilling inside, although I have been persuaded to run a half marathon next year, so my rather half-hearted training for that will continue today with my second (ever) run - I think I must be mad, although I do like running in the rain as there are not as many people out and about to laugh at my feeble attempts :) Will have to keep you updated on my training progress.
Speak later x

Sunday 26 August 2012

Starting out!

Ok, so first blog post - scary stuff!!
Been thinking for ages about starting a blog and have been majorly procrastinating, but today is the day that it all begins. Please excuse the layout etc.. If I'd waited till I had got that perfect then it would have been months before I ever got started - so this will be a blog in progress! 
I guess this blog is going to be a bit about everything - should I have put more thought into this? Ah well, it'll all come together I dare say and someone might want to read it lol :)
So today is a lovely sunnyish day in the South West of England and this afternoon hubby, daughter and me will be off to the Plym Valley railway for a look at the diesel engines (hubby's passion - not mine!) and the cake selling cafe (my passion!), followed by a walk up to the park with our 2 dogs Maysie and Mojo. Love the August Bank Holiday as it reminds me that the next one is Christmas day!
Well think I'll end this for now. Will be back later to post some pics of the day x